faux wood blinds

How to Properly Clean and Maintain Wooden Blinds

Wooden blinds are a beautiful addition to any home, which is why it’s so easy to see why they are one of the most popular choices when it comes to...

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New blinds fitted to a bathroom

Which Blinds Are Best For Bathrooms?

Bathrooms are used everyday in the majority of houses, so it’s important to take into account how wet your blinds will get and how this will affect their...

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What are the best blinds to block out light?

  If your relationship to light in the morning can only be described as ‘vampiric’, worry not. A peaceful night’s sleep can be achieved with...

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vertical blinds

Choosing the Best Blinds for Your Kitchen

Having the appropriate lighting in your kitchen is the be-all and end-all when it comes to creating the perfect atmosphere in your home, particularly so as...

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blinds for french doors

What are the Ideal Blinds for French Doors?

French doors or patio doors can be a drain on the insulation of your home. They can also let glare into your room and reduce your privacy. Adding a blind...

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Keeping Your Windows Well Insulated This Winter

In the colder months, we’re always looking for ways to keep our homes warm without it resulting in a costly gas bill; there are many low-tech ways to help...

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What are the Best Blinds for a Small Room

Decorating a small room can be a difficult task as you want the room to look attractive, without imposing on the space. Choosing the right blind can instantly...

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Choosing the perfect blinds for period properties

Period properties have a very specific look which, unlike modern properties, is a task to be adhered to carefully rather than simply a blank canvas. With this...

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